
Welcome to my ITC571 – Emerging Technology and Innovation website. My name is Charles and I work as a Technical Services Manager for a Western Australian MSP. This website will act as a blog site to record my progress towards completing my Master of Cyber Security capstone project: Effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption on Small and Medium Business (SMB) Cyber Security Risk Management Strategies.

As I work daily with SMBs and cyber security is an ever present issue, I have a particular interest in this topic as it is highly relevant to both my work and studies. Unfortunately, risk management is not addressed enough in the SMB space and I hope that my research will help in making this domain more accessible for businesses that don’t have significant technical or financial resources to invest in this necessary function of their businesses.

To my fellow students currently taking this unit, I wish you the all the best during the next 3 months as you put your project together.